Scalefactor Function of Time 
    Integrate the energy equation to get R = R(t) 
     1der(R,t)^2 / 2 = 4 * pi * gamma * rho0 / (3 * R)  
     1der(R,t)^2 = 8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / (3 * R) 
     R * 1der(R,t)^2 = 8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3  
     R^(1/2) * 1der(R,t) = (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)^(1/2) 
     R^(1/2) * dR = (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)^(1/2) * dt 
     intl(R^(1/2),R) = (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)^(1/2) * intl(1,t)
     (2/3) * R^(3/2) = (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)^(1/2) * t+C  

    C [large-c] is the integration constant and establishes the 
scalefactor of the universe at t = 0; (2/3)*R^(3/2) = C. By the 
bigbang hypothesis the scalefactor is identicly zero at zero time, so 
C = 0.  
     (2/3) * R^(3/2) = (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)^(1/2) * t 
     R^(3/2) = (3/2) * (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)^(1/2) * t 
     R = (2/3)^(3/2) * (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)^(1/3) * t^(2/3)  
 | SCALEFACTOR EQUATION                                        |  
 |                                                               |
 | R = (3/2)^(2/3 ) *( 8 *pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)^(1/3) * t^(2/3) |  
    If we normalize the scalefactor and elapsed time to the values at 
the present we get 
 |                         |  
 | R / R0 = (t / t0)^(2/3) |  
 |                         |    
 | R = R0 * (t / t0)^(2/3) |   
 |   = (t / t0)^(2/3)      |   
    The scalefactor increases with the 2/3 power of the elapsed time 
since the bigbang. R increases at a declining rate. H in the past is  
greater than H0 and t0 is less than T0. 
True Age of the Universe 
    Retrosolve the scalefactor equation for t  
     R = (3/2)^(2/3) * (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3) * (1/3) * t^(2/3)  
     (t / t0)^(2/3) = (3/2)^(2/3) * (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)
       * (1/3) * t^(2/3)  
     t^(2/3) * t0^(-2/3) = (3/2)^(2/3) * (8 * pi * gamma * rho0
       / 3)^(1/3) * t^(2/3)  
     t0^(-2/3) = (3/2)^(2/3) * (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)^(1/3) 
     t0 = (3/2)^(-1) * (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)^(-1/2)  
        = (2/3) * (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / 3)^(-1/2) 
        = (2/3) * (1 / H0)
        = (2/3) * T0  

     t0 = 2 * T0 / 3 
 | AGE OF THE UNIVERSE               |  
 |                                   |    
 | t0 = (2 / (3 * H0)                    |  
 |    = 2 * T0 / 3                       |    
 |                                   |  
 | t0[lo] = 13.2Gy,   t0[hi] = 8.8Gy |   

Deceleration Parameter 
    The acceleration 2der(R,t) is more conveniently rolled into a  
dimensionless number, the deceleration parameter q 
 |                                  |                    
 | q = -R*2der(R,t) / (1der(R,t))^2 | 
 |   = -2der(R,t) / (H * R)         |                    
    For the standard bigbang scenario q is 
     q = -R * 2der(R,t) / (1der(R,t))^2 
       = (-R * (-4 * pi * gamma * rho0 / (3 * R^2)) 
           / (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / (3 * R)) 
       = -3 * R * R * (-4) * pi * gamma * rho0 
         / (8 * pi * gamma * rho0 * 3 * R^2)  
       = -(-4) / 8 
       = 1/2 
Density Parameter 
    Until now we allowed that the observed H0 and rho0 are concordant.  
That is, the equation H0 = (8*pi*gamma*rho0/3)^(1/2) in fact balances  
with substitution of the H0 and rho0 we actually assess. Sadly it does 
not. The H0 and rho0 are altogether out of joint. Fixing H0 yields a 
rho0 that's two orders more than observed. Fixing rho0 gives an H0 two 
orders too small. 
    in the 2-thous with observations of dark energy and dark matter 
the discrepancy is substantially closed. Here we continue the 
historical development to appreciate how and why the discord affected 
    Being that H0 seems more certain by far than rho0 we set H0.  
There derives then a rho0 that would in fact concord with the accepted 
H0, rho@. rho@ IS NOT EQUAL TO rho0!! But it is, never the less, a  
constant and not a function of time. That is 
     (1der(R,t) / R)^2 = H0^2 
                       = 8 * pi * gamma * rho@ / 3 
     rho@ = 3 * H0^2 / (8 * pi * gamma) 
    This rho@ is that density which satisfies H0 in the flat universe 
model. We call this density the critical or closure density. Its value  
is governed by the value taken for H0. 
 |                                    |    
 | rho@ = 3 * H0^2 / (8 * pi * gamma) |  
 |                                    |
 | rho@[lo] = 4.6E-27kg/m^3           | 
 | rho@[hi] = 10.3E-27kg/m^3          |  
    This rho@ amounts to 3 to 6 protons per cubic meter. So important 
is it to distinguish rho0 from rho@ that a new factor, the density  
parameter OMEGA, is defined  
 | DENSITY PARAMETER                          |   
 |                                            |    
 | OMEGA = rho0 / rho@                        | 
 |       = rho0 / (3 * H0^2 / 8 * pi * gamma) | 
 |       = 8 * pi * gamma * rho0 / (3 * H0^2) |   

    Under the standard bigbang model 
     rho0 = rho@  

     OMEGA = rho0 / rho@
           = rho@  / rho@
           = 1  
This, with q = 1/2 from above, yields  
 | VALUE OF q AND OMEGA     |   
 |                          |    
 | q = 1/2                  |   
 |                          |    
 | OMEGA = 1                |   
 |       = 2 * q            |   

Radius of the Universe 
    A common query is for the 'size' of the universe or 'how much' it 
expanded so far. The answer comes from the peculiar model at hand but 
there is a plausible upper size the universe can have. If the universe 
expanded at the speed of light since its creation, then

     r0 = c * t0 

    This c, lightspeed, is not a physical limit on the expansion rate. 
Nothing, neither mass nor energy, actually moves at this speed in the 
outswell of the universe. Space can expand at any arbitrary rate with 
no violation of Einstein physics. We set delr/delt to c as a 
reasonable most rapid rate under the extant models of the universe. 
    The t0 is the age of the universe, the time elapsed since the 
bigbang. This is 2/3 of the Hubble time T0, which in turn is 1/H0. 
Given the range of H0 from 1.6E-18/s to 2.4E-18/s we have 

     t0[lo] = 4.17E17s

     t0[hi] = 2.78E17s 
Thus the upper limit on the radius of the universe is

     r0 = c  * t0 
        = (2.998E8m/s) * [4.17:2.78]E17s 
        = [12.51 : 833]E25m 

This is the range that most astronomers cite when asked about the 
'size' or 'radius' of the universe. 

     The volume is found by 

     V0 = (4 * pi / 3) * r0^3 
        = (4 * pi / 3) * ([12.51 : 8.33]E25]m)^3 
        = (4 * pi / 3) * [19.58 : 5.78]E77]m^3 
        = [8.20 : 2.42]E78]m^3 

 |                                           | 
 | r0[lo] = 12.51E25m,  r0[hi] = 8.33E25m    | 
 |        = 13.2Gly,           = 8.8Gly 
 |                                           | 
 | V0[lo] = 8.20E78m^3,  V0[hi] = 2.42E78m^3 | 
 |        = 9.7E3Gly^3,         = 2.8E3Gly^3 | 

Mass of the Universe
    We do not know at all how much matter there is in the universe. 
However, we know how much there should be for a given model. For the 
standard bigbang, where OMEGA = 1 or rho0 = rho@, the density of this 
mass is

     rho@ = 3  * H0^2 / (8 * pi * gamma) 
          = (3 / (8 * pi * (6.672E-11n.m^2/kg^2)) 
            * ([1.6:2.4]E-18/s)^2 
         = (1.789E9kg^2/n.m^2) * ([1.6:2.4]E-18/s)^2 
         = [4.58 : 10.31]E-27kg/m^3 

    Recall that the observed ordinary matter in the universe amounts 
to only 4E-28kg/m^2, or from 3% to 10% of the closure density. This 
constitutes the missing-mass problem if one declares that rho0 must 
equal rho@.In the 2-thous the missing mass problem evolved into the 
acceptance and observation of dark matter an d ark energy.. Ordinary 
matter is in fact about 4% of these combined. We have no general 
consensus of what dark energy or dark matter is. 
    The mass of the universe is the density times the volume, 

     m0 = rho0 * V0 
        = ([4.58 : 10.31]E-27kg/m^3) * ([8.20 : 2.42]E78m^3) 
        = [3.76 : 2.50]E52kg 
       -> [1.9 : 1.3]E22 suns 
    This is in fact the working value of the mass of the universe as 
cited in other treatises from more elaborate calcs. 

 | DENSITY AND MASS OF THE UNIVERSE                      | 
 |                                                       | 
 | rho0[lo] = 4.58E-27kg/m^3,  rho0[hi] = 8.21E-27kg/m^3 |           
 |                                                       |
 | m0[lo] = 3.76E52kg,  m0[hi] = 2.50E52kg               |
 |        = 1.9E22 suns,       = 1.3E22 suns             |

    Note that the compensating action of the density and volume make 
the range of mass estimates rather narrow. One could say that for any 
value of H0 the mass of the universe is about 2E22 suns. 

Is the Universe a Blackhole?
    A common inquiry is whether the universe is itself a gigantic 
blackhole. That may be, is all of the mass in the universe contained 
within the Schwarzschild radius for that mass? A blackhole is created 
when the enclosing radius around a given mass is within the 
Schwarzschild radius. 
    with our understanding of what's inside the Schwarzschile radius 
of a blackhole, it is obvious that we are NOT in a blackhole. All 
matter within that radius would be pulled into the central 
singularity. We would have utterly no material  existence to 
appreciate the universe, such as by studying this article. 
    Given the approximations for the radius and the mass, we can play 
with the blackhole question. The question can not be positively 
answered. Yet, the possibilities are interesting. The Schwarzschild 
radius for a given mass m0 is 

     r| = 2 * m0 * gamma / c^2 
        = 2 * ([3.78 : 2.50]E52kg)
          * (6.672E-11n.m^2/kg^2) /( 2.998E8m/s)^2 
        = [5.61 : 3.71]E25m 

    If we compare these to the radii obtained from the density-volume 
approach we have 

                    | density-volume | Schwarzschild | 
                    | -------------- | ------------ | 
 H0[lo] = 1.6E-18/s | 12.51 E 25 m   | 5.61 E 25 m  | 
 H0[hi] = 2.4E-18/s |  8.33 E 25 m   | 3.71 E 25 m  | 

    At first glance it appears that the mass of the universe spills 
beyond the Schwarzschild radius and therefore the universe is not a 
blackhole. But we calcked the radius based on an expansion at the 
speed of light from t = 0 to today. This is unrealistic in as much as 
all the bigbang models derive a continuously declining rate of 
expansion until the very tiny rate today. So reasonably the true 
'radius of the universe' is considerable less than that from the 
density-volume method. By detailed means it turns out that the 
Friedmann model with k = 0, OMEGA = 1 expands ultimately right up to 
but never reaching the Schwarzschild limit. The flat and open universe 
is a blackhole, as is the spherical and closed one. The hyperbolic and 
open case allows for a universe to exist beyond its Scwarzschild 
limit. From this we gather that the universe could in fact be one 
humongous blackhole. 

Proper or Einstein Distance  
    The expansion phaenomenon, based on Einstein physics, forces us to  
revamp our notions of time and space within the universe. The Euclidrs 
regime of Newton physics does not work. In Einstein physics the 
distance between two points is a four-dimensional measure and not the 
three-dimensional one of Newton physics. Specificly 
     delD^2 = (delx^2 + dely^2 + delz^2) - (c * delt)^2  
as contrasted to the Newton delD^2 = delx^2+dely^2+delz^2. Placing the 
one point at us and the other at the remote site, the x,y,z component 
is the radial distance of the remote from us  
     delx^2 + dely^2 + delz^2 = delr^2 
     delD^2 = delr^2 - (c * delt)^2 
    The delr is a function of time thru R(t) 
     delD^2 = (R(t) * delr)^2 - (c * delt)^2  
    We are attached to the remote galaxies by the photons of light 
(and other electromagnetic radiation) that procede from them to us. 
These rays travel along geodesics such that the speed of light c is a 
constant and the total distance delD is zero. That is, a photon is 
everywhere  and everywhen. Setting delD = 0  
     (R(t) * delr)^2 - (c * delt)^2 = delD^2 
                                    = 0 
     (c * delt)^2 = (R(t) * delr)^2  
     c * delt =  +-]R(t) * delr  
    The choice of the plus or minus sign is made by the sign convention 
for r and t. As the ray procedes from the remote to us, t increases 
and r decreases. So we take the minus sign 
     c * delt = -R(t) * delr  
     c * delt / R(t) = -delr 
This can be evaluated only if we know the actual function of time for 
the scalefactor R. In the standard bigbang model we have  
     R(t) = (t / t0)^(2/3)   
     c * (1 / (( t / t0)^(2/3)) * delt = -delr  
     c * t^(-2/3) * t0^(2/3) * delt = -delr  
     c * t0^(2/3) * intl(t^(-2/3),t,t..t0) = intl(-1,r,r..0) 
where these are definite integrals over the span r..0 and t..t0. r is 
the distance to the remote; r0 = 0 is the distance to our own selfs; t 
is the time of emission of the photon from the remote; t0 is the time 
of reception of the photon at us.   
     3 * c * t0^(2/3) * t^(1/3)[t..t0] = -r[r..0] 
     3 * c * t0^(2/3) * (t^(1/3) - t0^(1/3)) = -(r- 0 ) 
     3 * c * t0 * ((t / t0)^(1/3) - 1) = -r 
     t0 = 2 * T0 / 3
        = 2 / (3 * H0) 
     (t0 / t)^(2/3) = Z+1  
     (t0 / t) = (Z+1)^(3/2)  
     3 * c * (2 / (3 * H0) * ((t / t0)^(1/3) - 1) = -r 
     3 * c * (2 / (3 * H0) * ((Z+1)^(-3/2))^(1/3)) - 1 = -r  
     (2 * c / H0) * ((Z+1)^(-1/2) - 1) = -r  
 r = (2 * c / H0) * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)) 
 |                                        |   
 | r! = (2 * c / H0) * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)) |   
    It is this proper distance, as it's called in Einstein physics,  
that separates us from the remote site. In Newton physics with Z=0 it 
degenerates to the ordinary distance in 3D space. Manipulations of  
this r! produces several new features of the expanding universe. 

Hubble Horizon
     The proper or Einstein distance between us and the remote is a  
function of Z and H0. For a set H0 there is an absolute maximum  
distance away beyond which we can never see!  This occurs at Z = 
infinity and it is called the Hubble horizon. That is 
     rH = (2 * c / H0) * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)) 
        = (2 * c / H0) * (1 - (infy + 1)^(-1/2))  
        = (2 * c / H0) * (1 - infy^(-1/2)) 
        = (2 * c / H0) * (1 - 0)  
        = (2 * c / H0) * 1 
        = 2 * c / H0  
 |                  | 
 | rH = 2 * c / H0  |  
 |                  |  
 | rH[lo] = 40.0Gly | 
 | rH[hi] = 26.1Gly |  

Enclosed Volume
    It is routine to fathom the universe in boxes of equal volume, as 
to count galaxies and determine rho0. The volumes are shells centered 
on the Earth, with front and rear faces of suitably chosen radii. But 
the radii are a function of Z. Hence the enclosed volume is that 
between spheres of radius r(Z) and r(Z+delZ) or between r! and 

     r! = (2 * c / H0) * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)) 

     1der(r!,Z) = (2 * c / H0) * 1der((1-(Z+1)^(-1/2)),Z) 
                = (2 * c / H0) * 1der((Z+1)^(-1/2),Z) 
                = (2 * c / H0) * (1/2) * (Z+1)^(-3/2) 

     v! = 4 * pi * (r!^3) / 3 

     1der(v!,Z) = (4 * pi / 3) * 1der(r!^3,r) * 1der(r!,Z) 
                = (4 * pi * (r!^2) * 1der(r!,Z) 
                = (4 * pi * ((2 * v / H0) * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)))^2
                  * (2 * c / H0) * (1/2) * (Z+1)^(-3/2) 
                = (16 * pi * (c^3) / (H0^3)) 
                  * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2))^2 * ((Z+1)^(-3/2)) 

 | VOLUME OF THE UNIVERSE                           | 
 |                                                  | 
 | v! = (4 * pi / 3) * (r!^3)                       | 
 |                                                  | 
 | 1der(v!,Z) = (2 * c / H0) * (1/2) * (Z+1)^(-3/2) | 

    In practice one finds r! for the inner, nearer, front boundary of 
the shell and adds to it the increment delr! corresponding to the 
desired delv!, all worked out thru the redshift Z+1.

Light Travel or Lookback Time 
    An other useful feature is the time it takes the light to traverse 
the geodesic from the remote to us. 
     t! = t0 - t 
        = t0-(1 - (t / t0)) 
        = t0 - (1 - (Z+1)^(-3/2))  
        = 2 * (1 - (Z+1)^(-3/2)) / (3 * H0)  
        = (2 /(3 * H0)) * (1-(Z+1)^(-3/2)) 
 |                                          |    
 | t! = (2 / (3 * H0)) * (1 - (Z+1)^(-3/2)) |  
     The notion of lookback time comes from the fact that the  
information content of the light arriving at us was put into that ray 
at its emission. Since the light was emitted t! ago, the information 
is ediurnate by t! or we are seeing the remote now as it was t! in the 
past. This lookback time is NOT the same as the proper distance.  
However, astronomers usually think of the lookback time when citing  
distances to the remote targets even tho they may not be calculating 
this correct light travel time. They may use the r = c*Z/H0 formula 
and deem this r to be the distance in lightyears and the lookback time  
in years.  

Inverse-Square Law 
    Distance is altered also for the use of the inverse-square law, by 
which the remotes illuminate us. The light (or other EMR) comes to us 
via photons of energy = h*c/lambda as emitted and come at the rate of 
so  many per second. This is diffused by distance onto a sphere on 
which we sit. The radius of this sphere is the proper distance r!.  
    However, as received the light has wavelength lambda0 =  
lambda*(Z+1) and the increment of time delt is increased to delt0 =  
delt*(Z+1). Hence, the flux -- astronomers express this as apparent  
magnitude -- f0 produced by a remote of power P at distance r! is  
     f0 = P / (4 * pi * r!^2)  
        = (h * c / lambda0) * (1 / delt0) / (4 * pi * r!^2)  
        = (h * c / (lambda0 * delt0)) / (4 * pi * r!^2)  
        = (h * c / (lambda * (Z+1) * (delt * (Z+1))) / (4 * pi * r!^2) 
        = (h * c / (lambda * delt)) / (4 * pi * r!^2*(Z+1)^2) 
        = P / (4  * pi * (r! * (Z+1))^2) 
    The r!*(Z+1) in the denominator behaves like an ordinary distance 
in the inverse-square law and is called the luminosity distance r&. 
     r! = (2 * c / H0) * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)) 
     r& = r! * (Z+1) 
        = (2 * c / H0) * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2))*(Z+1) 
        = (2 * c / H0) * ((Z+1) - (Z+1)^(1/2)) 
 | LUMINOSITY DISTANCE                       |    
 |                                           |      
 | r& = r!* ( Z+1)                           |   
 |    = (2 * c / H0) * ((Z+1) - (Z+1)^(1/2)) |   
    Some treatments derive the luminosity distance first and use it as 
the primary measure of remoteness, being that in the end we know of 
the remote's existence by the flux they raise up at us. They then do  
not separately derive the proper distance, but disguise it as r&/(Z+1) 
in other equations. 
    We can not capture all the wavelengths of radiation from a target 
with equal sensitivity. This is a shortfall of our instrumental 
ability and the blockage (for ground observatories) of various 
spectral zones by Earth's atmosphere. Measurements are made between 
two particular wavelengths bounding a zone of width dellambda0 and at 
a central wavength lambda0. Hence the illumination is really a 
spectroillumination cited in flux0/(receiving area*dellambda0) 
centered at lambda0. The inverse-square law developed above is rarely, 
if ever, applicable because it presumes the capture of the entire 
spectrum from the target. 
    Traditionally the various spectral zones are divvied by wavelength 
or by frequency. Optical astronomers, for example, exclusively work 
with wavelength. Radioastronomers usually think in frequency. Being 
that c = frequency*wavelength it is trivial to crosswalk between the 
two. In all but the most exact work the diminution of lightspeed 
outside of vacuum is ignored; c is always 2.998E8m/s (about 3E8m/s). 
Here we use wavelength as being the more familiar to home astronomers, 
who deal virtually only with the photozone of the spectrum. 

 |                               |
 | c = nu * lambda               | 

Hubble Expansion of lambda
    Radiation from a remote centered at lambda and bounded within 
dellambda is redshifted by the Hubble expansion. The received central 
wavelength is lambda0 and the received bandwidth is dellambda0.
    We have two ways to measure this flux. One is to keep the 
spectrometer set to lambda and dellambda as emitted by the target. The 
other is to tune the spectrometer to lambda0 and dellambda0. In the 
first case the emitted radiation misses the spectrometer and other 
radiation, redshifted into the set lambda and dellambda, is received 
in the stead. In the second case the emitted radiation at lambda and 
dellambda is captured at lambda0 and dellambda0. Both methods are used 
in astronomy and they must be carefully distinguished. 
    Consider the case of the spectrometer set to lambda0 and 

     P = Plambda * lambda 

     f0 = flambda0 * dellambda0 
        = P / (4 *pi * r!^2 * (Z+1)^2) 
        = Plambda * dellambda / (4 *pi * r!^2 * (Z+1)^2) 

     dellambda0 = dellambda * (Z+1) 

     flambda0 = f0 / dellambda0 
              = f0 / (dellambda0 * (Z+1)) 
              = P / (4 * pi * r!^2 * (Z+1)^2 * dellambda * (Z+1))) 
              = P / (4 * pi * dellambda * r!^2 * (Z+1)^3) 
              = Plambda / (4 * pi * r!^2 * (Z+1)^3) 

    Notice that the spectroillumination flambda0 is the illumination 
f0 divided by an extra (Z+1) factor; it diminishes as the cube -- not 
the square -- of the (Z+1) of the target.
 |                                                | 
 | f0 = P / (4 * pi * r!^2 * (Z+1)^2)             | 
 |                                                | 
 | flambda0 = Plambda / (4 * pi * r!^2 * (Z+1)^3) | 

    By substituting the definition of r! into the above we get the 
power laws directly in the measured parameters H0 and (Z+1). H0 is 
expressed in 1/s, NOT in the more usual km/Mly.s or km/Mpc.s. This 
vastly simplifies the maths.

      f0 = P / (4 * pi * r!^2 * (Z+1)^2)  
         = P / (4 * pi * (Z+1)^2 * ((2 * c / H0) 
           * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)))^2) 
         = P / (4 * pi * (Z+1)^2 * (4 * c^2 / H0^2)
           * ((1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2))^2) 
         = P * H0^2 / ((16 * pi * c^2 ) * ((Z+1) - (Z+1)^(1/2))^2) 
      flambda0 = Plambda / (4 * pi * r!^2 * (Z+1)^3)  
               = Plambda / (4 * pi * (Z+1)^3 * ((2 * c / H0) 
                 * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)))^2) 
               = Plambda / (4 * pi * (Z+1)^3 * (4 * c^2 / H0^2)
                 * ((1 - (Z+1)^-((1/2))^2) 
               = Plambda * H0^2 / ((16 * pi * c^2 * (Z+1))
                 * ((Z+1) - (Z+1)^(1/2))^2) 

 |                                                             | 
 | f0 = P * H0^2 / ((16 * pi * c^2) * ((Z+1) - (Z+1)^(1/2))^2) |  
 |                                                             | 
 | flambda0 = Plambda * H0^2 / ((16 * pi * c^2 * (Z+1))        |
 |            * ((Z+1)  - (Z+1)^(1/2))^2)                      | 

Magnitude-Distance Relation 
    Astronomers traditionally assessed the received fluxes from 
sources on the Hipparchus 'magnitude' scale, not on the actual 
photometric scale. This magnitude scale is formally defined by

     mag1-mag2 = 2.5 * log(f02 / f01) 

The logarithm is on base 10, the Brigg or common system.  This 
definition is analogous to the decibel scale in acoustics and 
electronics; a difference of magnitude values corresponds to a 
[inverse] ratio of illuminations. 
    The flux used here is the total flux over all wavelengths, the 
bolometric magnitude. Altho we can not directly measure the flux over 
the entire spectrum we can calculate it given several observable 
points in the spectrum and knowledge of how the source emits 
    When the magnitude system was mathematicly formalized in the late 
1800s the zeropoint was Polaris, alpha Ursae Minoris, set to 2.0 
magnitude. Polaris was thneafter found to vary its illumination as a 
delta Cephei star and was let go as the magnitude standard. 
    We then set up Vega, alpha Lyrae, as the new zeropoint as 0.0 
magnitude. In due time we photometricly measured Vega's flux was 
2.65E-6 lumen/meter^2. Vega was in the 1980s found to have a dust disc 
around it that could disturb the star's illumination. 
     mag0 - (0.0) = 2.5 * log((2.65E-6) / f0) 
     mag0 = 2.5 * log((2.65E-6) / f0) 
          = (2.5 * log(2.65E-6)) - (2.5 * log(f0))
          = (-13.94) - (2.5 * log(f0)) 

    Because the received flux is a function of both distance and 
innate power, astronomers long ago normalized the magnitude rating of 
sources to a standard distance of 10 parsecs. This, the absolute or 
normalized or reduced magnitude is retrocalcked from an assessed 
distance and the flux. In certain cases the nature of the source 
suggests a power output; this is then combined with the flux to yield 
a distance. Thus, 

     mag0 - magabs = 2.5 * log(fabs / f0) 
                   = 2.5 * log((r / rabs)^2) 
                   = 5 * log(r / rabs) 
                   =  5 * log(r) - 5 * log(rabs) 
                   = 5 * (log(r) - 5 * log(10) 
                   = 5 * log(r) - 5 * 1 
                   = 5 * log(r ) -5 

This becomes 
     mag0 = magabs - 5 + 5 * log(r) 

which is one of the most handy formulae in astronomy. It is nothing 
more than the inverse-square law expressed in terms of the Hipparchus 
magnitude scale.

 |                               |
 | mag0 = magabs - 5 + 5 *log(r)| 

    In assessing the mag0 for remotes, the r must be replaced by r& 

     mag0 = magabs - 5 + 5 * log(r&) 
          = magabs - 5 + 5 * log(((2 * c / H0) 
            * ((Z+1) - (Z+1)^(1/2))) 
              = magabs - 5 + 5 * log(2 * c / H0)
                + 5 * log(((Z+1) - (Z+1)^(1/2)) 

 |                                            | 
 | mag0 =  magabs - 5 + 5 *log(2 * c / H0)    |
 |         + 5 * log((Z+1) - (Z+1)^(1/2))     | 

    Because this equation was derived using parsec as the distance 
unit, H0 must involve parsecs, not lightyears or inverse seconds. 

Angular Diameter 
    The angular size of a remote target as seen by us behaves in a  
most strange manner. Considering a face-on length s on the remote, we 
have that due to the expansion effect s0 = s*(Z+1) and the distance is  
the Einstein distance r!. Using radian angles for simplicity 
     theta0 = s0 / r! 
            = s * (Z+1) / r!
            = s * (Z+1) / (2 * c * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)) / H0) 
            = H0 * s * (Z+1) / (2 * c * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)))   
 |                                                        |    
 | theta0 = H0 * s * (Z+1 ) /(2 * c * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2))) |   
    At small Z theta0 behaves like the Euclid angular size theta = 
s/r. As Z increases, the angular size INCREASES and at very large Z 
the angular size goes to infinity. A very large Z target can actually 
fill the sky. In fact this is exactly what the cosmic background 
radiation does at its Z of about 900. 
    Z for which theta0 is a minimum, when it ceases to decrease with 
distance and starts to increase with farther distance, is 
     1der(theta0,Z) = H0 * s / (2 * c) 
                     * 1der((Z+1) / (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)),Z) 
    For ease of handling the derivative let z = Z+1 
     1der(theta0,z) = H0 * s / ( 2 * c) * 1der(z / (1 - z^(-1/2)),z)
                    = H0 * s / (2 * c) * ((1 - z^(-1/2))
                      * 1der(z,z) - z * 1der(1 - z^(-1/2)),z)
                      / (1 - z^(-1/2))^2 
                    = H0 * s / (2 * c) * ((1 - z^(-1/2)) 
                      * 1 - z * (-1/2 ) * -z^(-3/2) /                (1-z^(-1/2))^2 
                    = H0 * s / (2 * c) * (1 - z^(-1/2) - z 
                      * (-1/2) * z^(-3/2)) /(1 - z^(-1/2))^2 
                    = H0*s/(2*c)*(1-3*z^-1/2)
                                                      / 2 ) / (1 - z^(-1/2))^2 
Setting 1der(theta0,z) = 0
     H0*s / (2 * c) * (1 - 3 * z^(-1/2) / 2) / (1 - z^(-1/2))^2
       = 0 
     1 - 3 * z^(-1/2) / 2 = 0 
     -3 * z^(-1/2) / 2 = -1 
     z^(-1/2) = 2/3 
     z^(1/2) = 3/2
     z = 9/4 
       = 2.25  
       = Z+1 
     Z = z - 1
       = 2.25 - 1 
       = 1.25 
     theta0[min] is then itself
     theta0 = H0 * s / (2 * c) * (Z+1) / (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)) 
            = H0 * s / (2 * c) * (2.25 / (1 - 2.25^(-1/2))  
            = H0 * s / (2 * c) * (2.25 / 0.333)
            = 3.375 * H0 * s / c  
 | Z AND theta0 AT MINIMUM          |  
 |                                  |    
 | Z = 1.25                         |   
 |                                  |    
 | theta0[min] = 3.375 * H0 * s / c |   

Angular Spectroillumination
    Galaxies and many quasars are extended targets with appreciable
angular radius. Radiation is sent to us from an area on the heavens and
is thus diffused relative to the same radiation sent from a star. For
a spectroillumination flambda and angular radius theta the angular
spectroillumination philambda in Euclid space is

      philambda = flmabda / (pi * theta^2) 
                = Plambda / (4 * pi * r^2 * pii * theta^2) 
                = Plambda / (4 * pi^2 * r^2 * theta^2) 

Recalling that in Euclides geometry theta = s/r, 

     flambda = Plambda / (4 * pi^2 * s^2) 

   Due to the Hubble expansion r is r!; flambdda, flambda0; theta, 

     r! = (2 * c / H0) * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)) * (Z+1)

     theta0 = H0*s * (Z+1) / (2 * c * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2)))

     flambda0 = Plambda / (4 * pi * r!^2 * (Z+1)^2)
              = Plambda / (4 *p i * ((2 * c / H0) 
                * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2))^2 * (Z+1)^2) 
              = Plambda / ((4 * pi * 4 * c^2 / H0^2) 
               * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2))^2 * (Z+1)^2) 

     philambda0 = flambda0 / (pi * theta0^2) 
                = flambda0 * (2 * c * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2))^2
                  / (pi * (H0 * s * (Z+1))^2) 
                = Plambda * (2 * c * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2))^2
                  / (pi * 4 * c^2 / H0^2) * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2))^2 
                  * (Z+1)^2 * pi * (H0 * s * (Z+1))^2) 
                = Plambda * (2 * c * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2))^2
                 / ((16 * pi^2 * c^2 * s^2 * (Z+1))^2) 
                 * (1 - (Z+1)^(-1/2))^2 * (Z+1)^2
                = Plambda / (4 * pi^2 * (Z+1)^2 * s^2 * (Z+1)^2)
                = Plambda / (4 * pi^2 * s^2 * (Z+1)^4) 

This is a function of (Z+1)^(-4)! The angular spectroillumination
falls off very rapidly at large Z+1 so that remoter targets are 
exponentially fainter and harder to discern. 

 | ANGULAR SPECTROILLUMINATION                       | 
 |                                                   | 
 | philambda0 = Plambda / (4 * pi^2 * s^2 * (Z+1)^4) | 

Note that for small Z the equation loses its dependence on distance. 
The angular spectroillumination in Euclid space is constant with 