 John Pazmino
 NYSkies Astronomy Inc
 2020 August 23

    When orbital elements are given for an asteroid or comet, among 
the parameters is the 'Tisserand parameter' (tih-seh-RAHND). It is 
listed in clear text or symbolcd as 'T-Jup' or 'Tj". Since this number 
isn't directly needed to track the asteroid or comet and it is not 
requested in solar system software, home astronomers generally pass it 
    The Tisserand parameter is rarely described in the casual 
astronomy litterature. It does show up in the technical articles, 
usually as an inert number, like in a table of asteroids discussed in 
the article. 
    Tisserand parameter is sometimes called Tisserand criterion, 
invariant, equality. That the clue for home astronomers to get 
familiar with it, specially for asteroids and comets whose orbits are 
distorted by close passes of the major planets. In fact, it was 
invented precisa mente to help identify such objects. 

Lost comets 
    In the mid 19th century, study of comets exploded partly from the 
connecttion of comets with meteor showers and from ongoing advances in 
    With increasing numbers of comets discovered and tracked, one 
strange problem came up. Some comets after returning to view for a few 
rounds of their orbits, suddenly stopped showing up. Altho their 
orbits seemed secure and searches were careful the comet simply didn't 
come back. 
    A collateral problem related to new comets,  initially treated as 
a genuine discoveries, Some of them had orbits that should have let 
them be observed on previous returns. They weren't. 
    What happened to the lost comets? How did they go missing? What's 
with the new comets? Why were they missed on earlier returns? 

Jupiter jiving
    In the 19th century, into the mid 20th century, we could observe 
comets only as far as 2 or 3 AU from the Sun. Farther out than that 
the comets were just too faint for the eyes and instruments of the 
time. Recall that comet Koklhoutek in 1973 was at first a sensation 
because when discovered it was around 5 AU from Sun. For the comet to 
be seen that far away, it must be highly luminous. Kohoutek could be a 
major feature in the sky when it rounded perihelion. 
    OK, Kohoutek fizzled out. it never cast shadows at night. It 
didn't spit flaming debris over the world. Its tail didn't wrap around 
the sky. It did show the prevailing limits on detecting and following 
comets beyond the asteroid belt. 
    We already knew of comets that, by calculation, passed close to 
Jupiter and had their orbits changed. Lexell's comet, from the 1700s, 
is one famous example. Because orbit computations were done by hand, 
it was a delicate and tedious chore to analyze the behavior of a comet 
caught in Jupiter's gravity.  In particular, the orbit after the close 
approach could be that of a 'new' comet that escaped previous notice. 
It now is making its initial visit in the new orbit. 
    An old comet went missing because it no longer runs in its former 
orbit. After its last known visit it suffered orbit distortion near 
Jupiter and now is in a new orbit, perhaps to show up as a newly found 
comet. . 
    One method to identify such a comet is to plot the comet's old 
path until it enters Jupiter's gravity field. Then plot backwards the 
path of the new comet until it leaves Jupiter's gravity. If thetwo  
paths intersect in space and time near Jupiter, a link is established 
between a lost comet and a false new one.
    Comets, and asteroids, can be disturbed by any planet, even Earth. 
By far the greatest number and severity of comet perturbations come 
from Jupiter. It alone has most of the solar system mass outside of 
the Sun. Its gravity field alone extends much farther out than for any 
other planet, making the volume of space around it a dangerous trap 
for nearby comets. 
     Jupiter is also the best planet for gravity-assist maneuvers of 
spacecraft. The path arriving at Jupiter is deliberately chosen so 
that the path leaving Jupiter heads the probe to its target. 

Restricted orbits
    We have a case of three bodies in mutual gravity freefall: Sun, 
comet, Jupiter. The path of the comet is primarily a Kepler orbit 
around the Sun. 
    As long as the comet stays away from Jupiter, the rough rule being 
more than 1/2 AU away, it follows a two-body path. Home astronomers, 
now with calculettes and computers, delight in plotting comet orbits 
with the two-body Kepler model. 
    When the comet comes too close to Jupiter, within 1/2 AU, 
Jupiter's gravity is a significant fraction of the sun's gravity. It 
can divert the comet into a new orbit. During this time we are playing 
with two large seats of gravity acting on a point. mass. Sun and 
Jupiter are the large masses; the comet, the point mass. 
    There is no overall method for working out the general case of 
three bodies in gravity freefall about themselfs. We can work with 
special three-body cases, like the Sun-Jupiter-comet problem. 
    To make life easier, we make the large masses orbit in circular 
orbits, zero excentricty and constant orbit radius. With Sun some one 
thousand times more massive than Jupiter,  the Sun-Jupiter center of 
gravity is within the photospheric globe of the Sun. The Sun can be 
fixed with all mutual motion assigned to Jupiter. 
    This model is the restricted circular three-body model. 
    But Jupiter has an elliptical orbit and it is inclined against the 
ecliptic. This deviation from the ideal model must complicate working 
out the comet path. 
    By good fortune, Jupiter's orbit is almost circular, with small 
excentricity. and its inclination is small, 1.3 degree. For good 
approximation we got a textbook restricted circular three body model.  
If is used by astrodynamicists for most work, except for extremely 
delicate cases such as planning spacecraft maneuvers near planets. 

Conserved properties 
    In a two-body system a large mass with a point mass orbiting it, 
the large body is the origin of a Cartesian coordinate grid, thru 
which the point mass moves. As it moves, its position, velocity, and 
acceleration continuously change. For a stable orbital motion the 
changes cycle thru each lap of the orbit. For one direction, of the 
three in the xYZ grid, we have X for position, del(X)/del(T) for 
velocity, del2(X)/(delT)2 for acceleration. All three properties, in 
each direction, change -- in value and direction -- along the orbit.  
    In the mid 19th century Carl Jacobi discovered that suitable 
mathematical combinations of these properties, remain constant around 
the point mass's orbit. While each property does vary, the set of them 
together does not. 
    This, he found, is true a;sp for a point in an unstable orbit 
around the large body, not in a nitid orbit. An example today is a 
spaceprobe missing its intended solar orbit due to rocket malfunction. 
    He expressed this constancy of properties in equations used in 
astrodynamics today as the Jacobi integral.  It has a value 
    Jacobi expanded his work to the restricted three-body case, like 
Sun-Jupiter-point. The maths are more complex because the gravity 
fields of the Sun and Jupiter overlap around the comet. As long as the 
comet is mainly in solar orbit, with only disturbance from Jupiter, 
its Jacobi integral is constant. 

Tiiserand parameter
    Francois Tisserand flourished in the late 1880s as director, in 
turn, of Paris Observatory and Toulouse Observatory. He was among the 
first to study the astrodynamics of comets. He examined many instances 
of lost and new comets. Maybe the Jacobi integral can screen for 
candidate pairs of comet that were jived by Jupiter.  The maths  for 
    The Jacobi equations were fiddly to work with. But orbit 
computations were far more odious. In Tisserand's day -- into the mid 
20th century -- astrodynamics was carried out by hand. There were only 
clumsy mechanical calculators that handled arithmetic. Slide rulers 
were the main 'computer' on the astronomer's desk. Tables of maths 
functions were quickly well-worn. 
    An other factor was that astronomers work with the classical orbit 
elements, not physics XYZ coordinates. The two are commutable, but 
Tisserand wanted a way to directly use the orbit elements, which are 
to hand for any comet. 
    Tissernad's massaging of Jacobi's integral yielded a simple 
formula with only the orbit elements, which are taken recta mente from 
observations of comets. It can be quickly worked out with a sci/tech 
calculette as 

    Tj = (aj / a) + (2 * cos(i) * sqrt(((a / aj) * (1 - e^2))) 

    Th is the usual symbol for Tisserand parameter. aj is Jupiter's 
semimajor axis. a, e, i are the comet's semimajor axis, excentricty, 
    For a pair of candidate comets possibly  suffering orbit diversion 
from Jupiter, the formula is  evaluated for the 'before' and 'after' 
comet. If the Tisserand value is the same, or nearly so, chances are 
the pair is one comet running in two different orbits. 
    It helps to write the formula with fill-in boxes for the element 
values. Then work out each segment in turn. 
    For repetitive calculations put the formula into computer code. 
The code requests the input items. aj can be hardcoded as '5.20' since 
it is a constant for all instances. Check the argument of cosine. Most 
calculettes allow  degree. Computers typicly need radians. Code the 
deg->rad conversion to let degree be keyed in. 
    Tisserand parameter is a dimensionless number. The AU for the 
semimajor axes of Jupiter and comet cancel in the fractions. The 
degree of inclination is swallowed in the cosine. EXcentricity is 
already dimensionless. 
    Stricta mente we need the comet's inclination relative to 
Jupiter's orbit. This involves some fancy geometry to obtain. Because 
Jupiter is only 1.3 degree titled from the ecliptic, we neglect it. 
use the comet's ecliptic inclination as is and live with any slight 
inequity of Tisserand's parameter across the Jupiter encounter. 

Comet Schwassmann-Wackman-2 
    comet Schwassmann-Wackman-2 is a short-period comet that behaved 
itself for several decades. After its perihelion in 1994 the next 
expected return would be in early 2001. it didn't show up. 
    An apparent new comet was found in 2002, also short-period, with 
no record of a previous visit. 
    Orbit tracking showed that in 1997 SW2 suffered orbit distortion 
near Jupiter. The 2002 comet was SW2 in its new orbit. The orbits are 

    perihelion  |SMA, AU| exc   |inc, d | per, y | Tj 
    ------------+-------+-------+-------+--------+----- - 
    1994 Dec 22 | 3.444 | 0.399 | 3.753 | 6.391  | 2.991 
    2002 Jan 18 | 4.235 | 0.195 | 4.550 | 8.715  | 2.992 

    The Tsserand parameter for the old adnd new comet are almost 
    By the 1990s, astrodynamics advanced to offer confident orbit 
simulation of comes when interacting with Jupiter. We figured that SW2 
will not return in 2001 and keep watch for it in 2002. 

Comet Wolf 
 --   ---
    Comet Wolf ran against Jupiter between its 1918 and 1925 
perihelia. The old and new elements are 
    perihelion  |SMA, AU | exc   |inc, d | per, y | Tj 
    ------------+-------+-------+--------+--------+----- - 
    1918 Dec 13 | 3.582 | 0.559 | 25.283 | 6.794  2.696 
    1925 Nov 08 | 4.092 | 0.405 | 27.294 | 8.279 | 2.712 

    In this instance the two Tj are different by a couple percent. The 
parameter invariance is not perfect. In general, matching before and 
after the Jupiter proximity, at first we would put the two comets 
aside as candidates for more detailed study. 
    Wolf's orbit is steeply tilted on the ecliptic, which could 
suggest that it resists distortion by Jupiter. In the 1910s-20s it 
probably wasn't feasible to track Wolf as it was perturbed by Jupiter. 
Manual maths indicated it did get too close to Jupiter in 1921 and got 
its orbit wrinkled. 
    Modern computer simulation -- with home astronomy software -- 
shows what happened with Jupiter and Wolf. It turns out that the 
ascending node of Wolf's orbit is right at Jupiter's orbit! This 
guarantees  encounters every few decades. 

Comet Oterma 
    Comet Oterma was a well-behaved comet thru 1958 with a 7.9 year 
period. In 1963 it suffered an orbit shift by proximity to Jupiter. 
Its new orbit stayed too far from the Sun to ignite its gases and 
Oterma became inactive. From 1958 until 2001 it was lost from sight by 
its lack of self luminance. The elements are 
    perihelion  |SMA, AU| exc   |inc, d | per, y | Tj 
    ------------+-------+-------+-------+--------+----- - 
    1958 Jun 10 | 3.958 | 0.144 | 3.986 |  7.874 | 3.036 
    2002 Dec 22 | 7.237 | 0.244 | 1.943 | 19.469 | 3.005 
    The Tj values differ by only about one percen, within the limit to 
send the two Oterma comets to detailed study. 
    Oterms'a current orbit brings it close to both Jupiter and Saturn 
for several interactions in the 24st century. It is difficult to 
observe now due to its inert state like a small Centaur asteroid. 

Asteroid Apophis 
 -----   ------
    This example is asteroid Apophis, supposedly to whack Earth in 
2036. It is now in an Aten  orbit until 2029. It then does a very 
close flyby of Earth that throws Apophis into an Amor orbit. That 
orbit, maybe?, aims Apophis into Earth in 2036. 

    perihelion  |SMA, AU | exc  |inc, d | per, y | Te 
    ------------+-------+-------+-------+--------+----- - 
    2029 Jul 19 | 0.922 | 0.191 | 3.345 |  0.885 | 2.966 
     2036 Jun 11  1.007 | 0.180 | 4.298 |  1.011 | 2.967 

    Tisserand parameter is for Earth, Te, this time because Earth is 
the perturbing object. aj is the Tisserand formula is replaced by ae = 
1.00 AU. All else is the same. The parameters before 2029 and after 
then are almost the same. 
    Because Apoplhis starts as an Aten asteroid and Earth throws it 
into an Amor orbit, we debated about naming the asteroid. Atens are 
traditionally named for Egyptian figures while Amors carry names of 
Greek figures. The solution was to apply the Greek name of an Egyptian 
deity. In this case the god of destruction was chosen, from the 
fears of collision with Earth. 

Spaceprobe Ulysses 
    We work the Tisserand parameter for the Ulysses spaceprobe. This 
probe explored the polar regions of the Sun but sapacefaring arts and 
skills could not put it into a polar solar orbit directly from Earth. 
    We used Jupiter in 1991 to do a back flip of Ulysses, out of the 
ecliptic plane, into a polar orbit around the Sun. 
    This is an extreme case of orbit perturbation and of gravity 
assist. Gravity assist is merely a deliberate approach to Jupiter 
along a prescribed orbit to change that orbit to an other desired one. 
The second orbit typicly aims toward a target else where in the solar 
    Ulysses did not go to the Sun.  It went around the Sun along a 
huge ellipse, with perihelion about 1.3 AU and period about 6.1 year. 
    It passed  over the Sun's north, and then south, pole  about 2 AU 
away. This is a remote standoff for studying the Sun's poles. Ulysses 
had instruments to magnify the Sun's image about as well as those on 
Earth. The principle advantage was that the poles were observed face-
on, not tangently along the limb of the Sun. 
    The orbital elements for the segment Earth-Jupiter and Jupiter-Sun 
    path segment  |SMA, AU | exc | inc, d | per, y | Tj 
    E-J bef 1991 | 8.992 | 0.889 |  1.991 | 26.650 | 1.782
    J-S aft 1991 | 3.373 | 0.603 | 79.128 |  6.195 | 1.784 

    Tisserand parameters for the two segment are almost equal. 
    Achieving the solar orbit was a major f3qt of astronautics. 
Ulysses was sent to Jupiter along a long skinny ellipse, noted by its 
high excentricity. It swooped over Jupiter's south pole in 1991 and 
was pulled around and back toward the Sun. it left Jupiter on a large 
mildly elliptical orbit. It still runs in it today, long after the 
probe's project was finished. In some 166 years, 27 laps of Ulysses, 
Jupiter and Ulysses may meet up again for a new orbit perturbation.  

Closer to Sun? 
     The actual Ulysses mission was deprecated by some space fans 
because the probe didn't come close to the Sun. At closest it was 1.3 
AU away, farther than Earth. Couldn't the orbit be closer by a Jupiter 
gravity assist? 
    Since we purposely  set up the approach path of Ulysses and its 
reproach path toward Sun, we can play with other paths around the Sun. 
let's put Ulysses perihelion at 1/2 AU, so the polar crossings are 
some one AY away. Is this orbit possible? 
    Tisserand parameter for the two paths are equal, so once the 
approach path is chosen, there are constraints on the reproach path. 
To keep things simple, we hold to the 79 degree inclination to reduce 
the degrees of freedom.
    The answer is easiest found by trial-&-error by repeated 
application of the Tisserand formula.  The loose variable is the orbit 
excentricity. This is a trivial exercise for the formula written into 
computer code.
    First we need the semimajor axis of the proposed orbit. We have an 
apohelion near Jupiter and perihelion at 1/2 AU. 

    a = (apoh + perih) / 2
     = (5.20  + 0.50 / 2 
     = 2.85 AU 

This orbit has an excentricity of 

    e = (apoh - perih) / (apoh + perih) 
      = (5.20 - 0.50) / (5.20 + 0.50)
      = 4.70 / 5.70 
      = 0.825 

Couldn't Ulysses upon reaching Jupiter be aimed into this orbit in the 
stead of its actual one? It could if the Tisserand value of the 
departure path equals that of the arrival  path. 
    Keeping with the same inclination of 79.128 degree, we find Rj = 
1.982. This is too high for a feasible gravity assist. It can be 
realized with heavy rocket thrust applied during the assist maneuver, 
but not by letting Jupiter do all the work. 
    As much a bonus to human spacefaring is the gravity assist 
process, it can not allow an arbitrary choice of paths to and  from 
Jupiter. A given approach path yields a family of possible reproach 
paths and the proposed one here is not one of them. 
    We enter the trials with Tj = 1.784, a = 2.85 and i = 79.000 
    It is the task of the mission designer and planner to select 
arriving orbits to yield a feasible departure orbit to get the 
spacecraft to its target. 

 --------Tisserand parameter is a truly fun way to exploit the cloudy 
nights. Using solar system simulators working by astrodynamics, not 
trolley-track, orbit the path of a comet near Jupiter can be watched 
on screen in a couple hours. 
    The parameter is also a vivid way to illustrate energy and angular 
momentum conservation in a gravity field, a principle not so easily 
grasped thru most astronomy tuition