 John Pazmino
 NYSkies Astronomy Inc
 2020 June 15 

    Much of the avoidance of maths by home astronomers are the smbols 
and notations in formulae. Unlike in old times, we can not skip over 
the maths and live off of only descriptions and pictures in our 
    We now easily obtain and peruse the techincal litteraure of 
astronomy directly from the campus astronomers, thanks to heir 
publication in the web. We have devices, like calculettes, phone 
applications, computer software, that do the numberical calculations 
in the league of campus astronomers. We interact with many other 
sciences newly integrated into astronomy, with their own technical 
procedures. We avail of prime or processed material from astrophysical 
and eophysical spaceprobes.
    These, and likely other, factors, coming into home astronomy 
require us to have  an acquaintance and awareness of the mathematics, 
even if we do not manipulate them or develope original owrks. 
    Here I give some guidance for many aspects of maths that you may 
have bypassed readers,  clarifying their features. The slate is not at 
al complete and some details, by their complexity, are only sketched 
out here. 

Symbols + and -  
    By history we use the same symbols +, - for the signum the 
add/subtract operation s. The two meanings are utterly separate and 
must never be mixed up. 
    The + and - signa are an integral part of their number and can 
never be omitted or ignored. When filling a formula with a number its 
signum should be explicitly written. If need be, the number and its 
signum can be roped in parens to keep them distinct from the + and - 
    This procedure can lead to the apparent duplication of a symbol, 

    c = +a - (-b) 

The - in the clear is the  subtract symbol. It instructs to subtract b 
from a. The - in parens belongs to number b as its signum. b is a 
negative number. It is inside the parens to make sure it stays with b 
and does not creep into the operational symbols of the formula. 
    The operational - is part of the formula, regardless of the signa 
of a and b. 
    A positive number is commonly written without its + signum. This 
is risky. It's safer to write in the signum. 

Symbol * 
    From long experience with computer languages, the char x or X for 
'multiply' is displaced by *. It was far too easily assimilated as an 
alphabetic of a number's name. Also displaced is the abutting of two 
numbers for multiplication, which looks like a name for a new number. 
    The * is now generally used in text outside of computer coding, 
even hand text.    , 

   c = a * b, (in the stead of axb and ab) 

This instructs to multiply number a by number b. 

Symbol / 
    The divide operation is indicated by both the / and the 
underline____. The ___ is drawn long enough to span the char length of 
dividend and divisor. In computer code only the / is available because 
all chars are written linearly. 
    All kinds of trouble come from misuse of the divide symbol, partly 
from the careless writing of the operation and loose maths skill. 
    Ideally a formula can be written to include only one divide 
operation. All terms on the left are evaluated, then all those on the 
right. Finally the two sides go into the divide. In many cases this 
results in an erroneous formula. 
    The way to keep trouble away is thru liberal use of parens to 
force the sequence of operations around the divides. Or, with parens, 
separate the several divides into their own 'cells'. 
    A notorious situation of misplaced divides is when the formula has 
piggyback divides. The impulse is 

    c = a / b / d 

This can mean 

    c = (a / b) / d or a / (b / d) 

    Here the parens force the sequence of the divides. A better way to 
avoid trouble is to compose the formula to have as few divides as 
practical. We could have 

    c =  a / (c * d) or c = (a * d) / c 

    A sanity check can be done by inserting simple numbers into the 
formula and working it thru the possible variations of the divides. 
One version yields the correct sequence while the others hand up 
ridiculous ones. 
Symbol ^
    This indicates raising a number to a power. In hand work the power 
is a small superscript after the number. Since virtually all wrodprocs 
make it clumsy to insert superscripts and computer code don't have 
superscripts, the number and its power are separated by ^. 

    c = a ^ b

number a is  raised by the power b. 
    A rare alternative is the **, c = a ** b. This is just about never 
used in hand work. 
    Whem the ppwer is a fraction. it is a root 

    a ^ (1 / b) = b-root(a) 

tells you to take the b-th root of a. The 2nd root, the square root, 
is commonly shown as 
    c = sqrt(a) (with some variation in the abbbreve) 
    A negative power means the resulting number is then divided into 
one, or is then a reciprocal. 

    a ^ (-b) = 1 / (a ^ b ) 

    Powers and roots, specially nonintegral ones, are handled thru 
calculetttes and other maths devices. Don't  work them out by hand. 

Sequence of Operation
    In the ideal case operations are carried out in the order laid out 
by parens. It is common to have formulae with few or no parens and you 
must figure out the sequence of operations. Doing them out of their 
intended order yields erroneous results. 
    The fall-back procedure does the higher level operations first, 
then working to the lower level ones. The order is power/root, 
multiply/divide, add/subtract. 

    c = a * b + f / d ^ e 

is processed first by d ^ e, then f / (d ^ e),  a * b, (a * b) + ((f / 
d ^ e). To force the proper sequence, put in parens, like 

    c = (a * b) + (f / (d ^ e)) 
    c = (a * (b + (e / d) ^ e))

The two are NOT equivalent. The parens make the operations procede in 
different sequence.. 

    Short for 'parentheses', parens enclose operations that are 
performed within them before those outside them. The general rule is 
to do the innermost parens first, then work thru the outer ones. 
    Insert parens to make sure the operations in the formula are done 
in the correct order. 
    Parens are specially important to distinguish between + and - as 
signa and operations. An other important  case is showing an operation 
done on the argument of a function and on the very function. 
    Parens must be balanced, equal count of ( and ) in a formula. 
Verify this by stepping thru the formula and tallying each ( and ). 
 Unbalanced parens can led to uncertain operations in the formula. 

    c = sin(a) ^ 3 or sin(a ^ 3) 

    c = log(a) ^ 2 or log(a ^ 2) 

    Some formulae put the power against the name of the function, like 
sin^2(a). This is acceptable but you must recognize that the power is 
done on the value of the function. 

    Powers of Ten 
    Large and small numbers are commonly written as a base number 
multiplied by a tens power. 

    72,000,000 -> 72X10^6.

10^6 is one million and this is multiplied by 72. This is for typed 
text but clumsy and often hard to follow in hand text. 
   Banking off of computer code, where the X and 6 in this example can 
not be properly handled, the e-form is now prevalent. It is easy to 
write by hand. 
    The base and its tens power are separated by 'e' or 'E'.

     72X10^6 -> 72e6

he ;e' bodily suplants the 'X10^'. The number is spoken as '72 e 6', 
simpler than the older '72 times 10 to the 6th power'. 
    All the math rules for powers apply to the e-form. It is specially 
important to mind the signum of the power. In critical cases th signum 
is deliberately written. 
    You may shift the power by shifting the decimal point of the base 
number in the opposite sense. A step higher in power is a decimal 
shift to the left; lower, right. Missing places in the decimal shift 
are filled with zeros. 

    72e6 = 7200e4 = 0.0072e10 

    An inequality compares tow numbers that are not actually equal, 
telling which is the greater. This function helps limit the range of 
possible results of calculations. The common inequalities are 

    <, 'less than', arrow points from larger to the smaller number 
    >, 'greater than' 
    >=, 'equal or greater then', also =>, >_ (> underlined >) 
    <=, 'equal o less than', also =<, <_ (< underlined <) 
    <>, 'not equal to', also =!, =/ (equal with a slash thru it) 
    >>, 'much greater than', by an order or more
    <<, 'much less tan', by an order or more 

    The comparison is the left number against the right number. Note 

    a > b <-> b < a
    a <= b <-> b => a 

and similarly for the others. 
    The behavior of inequalities can be tricky when they shift around 
in a formula . It's wise to mentally insert simple integers into the 
numbers and see how the relations change as you manipulate the 
formula. In general move BOTH numbers with the inequality operator as 
a unit.  

    A logarithm of a given number is the power of a base number that 
makes the given number. For the base 10, log(23) = 1.3617 because 
raising 10 to the 1.3617 power yields 23. 
    There are two schemes of logs, base 10 and base epsilon or e, 
which is 2.71828. This number is a number describing processes and 
activity in nature. Logs on base 10 are the Briggs or common scheme; 
w, Napier or natural logs. Both are found in astronomy. 
    a common log is denoted by log(a) or log109a). A natural log is 
ln(a) altho in some formula the formula's text may advise that the its 
'log)a)' is the natural logarithm. 
    Likely the logs you come across are in formulae laid out to accept 
input in log form. Do the maths on the logs as indicated within the 
    Finding the logarithm of a number or the number for a given 
logarithm by maths devices. The need for tables of logarithms is just 
about gone. Older astronomers keep the tables they had from school but 
probably will never go and get a new one. 
    A caution is the notation for the antilog, instructing to get the 
number for the given log. The usual maths symbol is 

    b = log^-1(a) 

This does NOT mean 1 / log(a)!  Reciprocal log is written 

    (log(a))^-1 or 1 / ln(a) 

Much better notations are alog, alg, aln (natural log).You may also 

    aalog(a) = 10 ^ a 
    aln(a) = epsilon ^ a 

to get the regular number a from its log or ln b. This uses the raw 
definition of a logarithm. 
    For the occasion you want to convert between natural and common 

    log(a) = ln(a) / ln(10O) 
           = ln(a) / 2.3026 

ln(a) = log(a) / log(2.71828) 
      = log(a) / 0.43429 

    A factorial is a number composed of the multiply of all the 
positive integers from 1 to the number. It is denoted by A! or 
fact(A). The notation is occasionally spoken as 'a bang' after the 
name of the ! symbol. 

    A! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * ...* A

    Fact(8) is 40,320. Factorials grow humongous very rapidly. 10! is, 
about3.6 million and 15! is about 1.3 trillion. A maths device may cap 
the highest number allowed for taking its factorial. 
    Fact(1) and fact(0) are for technical reasons set to 1. 

    There is factorial of a negative number. To state a negative 

    b = -fact(a) or -(a!) 
    Factorials come up in formulae dealing with statistics , 
probabilities, combinations & permutations.

    A vector is a number that has, in addition to other properties, a 
direction, alignment, orientation. The wind speed is a vector because 
besides the size, like meter/second or kilometer/hour, it has 
direction, like from northeast. (winds are stated with the direction 
thry blow FROM, not to.) 
    The name of a vector is in typed text a bold char, char topped by 
a small arrow, a fancy style of char. In linear text 'vec' before the 
name demotes a vector. 
    A vector's parameters may be either its components along the c- 
and y- coordinate axes or its full length and angle against the x- 
axis. (We here examine only two-dimensional vectors.) 

    vecA(ax, ay) <-> vecA(ar, ap) 

where ax, ay are the lengths along the x- and y-axes; ar, full length; 
ap angle against the x-axis. Which method to use depends on the 
instant situation. At times the method is already set in the formula. 
    You may convert between forms

    r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2), p = atan(y/x) = 90deg - atan(x / y) 

In general, use the angle method with the smaller tangent. 

    x = r * cos(p), y = r * sin(p)

    Adding vectors is easiest done with the x,y parameters. 

    vecA(ax, ay) + vecB(bx, by) = vecC(ax + bx, ay + by) 
                               = vecC(cx, cy)

 from which the r,p form can be calculated. 
    To subtract vectors, flip the signa of the second vector's x,y and 
so an add. 

    vecA(ax, ay) - vecB(bx, by) = vecA(ax, ay) + vecB(-bx, -by) 

    There are two ways to multiply vectors, the dot and cross 
methods. The actual process can't be properly detailed here but some 
features of the two methods must be appreciated. 
    The dot multiply is in typed work denoted by a fat dot between the 
vectors. In linear work we write 'dot'. 
    The dot, or scalar, multiply yields a new regular number, with no 
vector properties. The order of the multiply doesn't matter, either 
gives the same result. 

        vecA dot vecB = vecB dot vecA -> C (regular number) 

    The method uses the angle between the two vectors, not the angles 
they stand against the x-axis. The maximum value of the dot multiply 
occurs when the vectors are lined up with angle 0 between them. The 
minimum value, which is zero, occurs for angle of 90 degrees. 
    The other method is the cross or vector multiply, written as a fat 
or large 'X between the vectors in typed text. 'Cross' is used in 
linear work. 
    The cross multiply also uss the angle between the vectors but the 
answer is a new vector, not a regular number. This new vector is 
perpendicular to the plane of the original vectors. The order of 
multiply counts. Swopping the vectors makes the resultant vector point 
in opposite direction. 
    vecA cross vecB -> vecC (per(pendicuarto vecA and vecB)  

    vecB cross vecA -> -VecC (opposite in direction from vecC) 

    The cross multiply has its maximum value when the angle between 
the vectors is 90 deg. It zeros out when the angle is 0 deg. 
    The direction of vecC is given by the right-hand-rule. Mentally 
curl the right hand -- not the left! -- around the two vectors as if 
to push vecA into vecB, closing the intervening angle. The thumb 
points in the direction of vecC. 
    If you curl the hand to push vcB into vecA, vecC points in the 
opposite direction. This ts the effect of swopping the order of the 
    There is no choosing between the dot and cross methods. They apply 
in wholly different situations. You must recognize the one applicable 
to the instant case. 

    We use two schemes of angle measure. The common one is the degree-
minute-second, d-m-s, almost exclusively stated for astronomy angles. 
    The other is the radian measure, where the circumference of a 
circle is paced off in arcs equal to the circle's radius. Since the 
circumference is 2*pi radii in length, there are 2*pi arcs. The six 
large arcs span an angle of one radian, with a small leftover piece. 
Phrased in other words, the circle contains 2*pi radians of angle, 
like it contains 360 degrees of angle. 
    One radian is abut 57.2958 degree or 205,265 second. For rough 
work one radian is 200,000 seconds. 

    radians = degree / (57.2958 deg/rad) 
            = seconds / (205265 sec/rad) 

    degrees = radians * (57.2958 deg/rad) 

    seconds = radians * (205265 sec/rad) 
    For maths the d-m-s angle is way to clumsy to work with. Convert 
it to degree & decimal, d-d. 

    d-d = degrees + (minutes / 60) + (seconds / 3600) 

it's your choice to convert the answer in d-d back to d-m-s 

    d-m-s = degree, decimal * 60), (leftover dec * 3600) 

    First set aside the integer part of the d-d as the whole degrees. 
    Then multiply the decimal part by 60 for the minutes. The integer 
part of this is the whole minutes. 
     The leftover decimal is multiplied by 3600 for the seconds. Any 
further decimal is the fraction of seconds. 
    Read carefully a formula with angles. You must use the correct 
form, d-m=sm, s-s, or radians. 
    In astronomy angles can wrap around the circle beyond 360 degrees 
in either sense, + or -. You may have to toss whole revolutions from 
the final answer. 

Trig Functions 
    Finding the trig function of a given angle is handled by the 
calculette. An angle has a single unique value for its trig functions. 
    The inverse is not so simple. A given trig number has TWO angles 
and the calculette returns ONE of them. YOu must study the operating 
manual to learn which angle is returned for each of the functions. 
    You must separately figure which is the correct angle for the 
instant situation and shift the returned angle to it. Make a sketch of 
the problem and examine where the angles lie. 
    This chart helps follow the behavior of trig functions around the 
360 degrees 
            |  0 |+/- | 90 |+/-| 180 |+/-| 270 |+/-| 360 
    cosine  | +1 | + |  0  | - | -1  | - |  0  | + | +1 
    sine    |  0 | + | +1  | + |  0  | - | -1  | - |  0 
    tangent |  0 | + |+inf |   |     |   |+inf | + |  0
                     |-inf | - |  0  | - |-inf | 

    The +/-/ columns show the signum of the function between adjacent 
quadrant angles. Note carefully that the tangent flips signum when it 
crosses 90 and 270 degrees. 
    The formal maths notation for getting  the angle for the given 
trig function is, for tangent as example, 

   a = tan^--1(b) 

This is NOT the reciprocal of the tangent. An intended reciprocal is 

    a = (tan(b))^-1 or 1 / tan(b) 

Far better notations are arctan, atan, atn, and parallel ones for 
the sine and cosine.
    There are six main functions, but three are reciprocals of the 
others, making them rarely used for themselfs. Calcuettes generally 
carry only the prime ones

   secant(a) = 1 / cosine(a) 

    cosecant(a) = 1 / sine(a) 

    cotangent(a) = 1 / tangent(a) 

Derivatives and Integrals 
    There really is no simple way to work with integrals and 
derivatives without some dedicated tuition in calculus. 
    The nest to do here is recognize these features  in maths and rely 
on circumstant text to explain them. 
    A derivative is the rate of change of A during a change in B. A 
must be a function of B, either explicitly in the formula or in 
associated text. A derivative is recognized by notations like 

    d(A) / d(B), delta(A) / delta(B) (the Greek char), A', A. (dot  on 
top of A) 

`   The last two do not show B directly but there must be text twlling 
what it is. 
    The first is easiest to read as symbolicly saying 'change in A for 
a unit chage in B'.  
    Derivatives may be nested to second or more levels 

    d2(A) / d(B)2, d3(A) / (dB)3 

These refer to a derivative of a drivative, third level derivative, 
and many deeper ones. 
    The ' and . notations are not commonly extended to higher leels of 
derivative. The d or delta forms are use as illustrated above. 
    An integral is a summation of A over a range of B. A must be a 
function of B in either the formula or associated text. 

    C = S(A) * dB 

The 'S' is drawn as a tall lazy 'S' before A. In some cases the 
summation is shown by a tall  capital sigma. The d*B( is then usually 
written as delta*B) 

    c = SIGMA(A) * d(B), SIGMA(A) * delta(B) 

    In some cases the range of B is shown as the upper and lower 
values at the tip and bottom of the S or SIGMA 
    y               y 
    S(A) * d(B), SIGMA(A) * d(B) ,  
    x              x

The instruct to add the value of A thru the range of B from x to y. 
    Integrals may be nested to show a summation ot a summation, to 
several levels. 

    C = SSS(B) * dD * dE *dF

The inner integral is evaluated first, then the otherstowaes the 
outermost one. A range on an integral symbol applies only to that 
integral, not to any of the others. 
    For home astronomy there are probably few instances to somehow 
figure out how to evaluate these features in a formula. The typical 
case is the formula is derived or composed and then the final 
iteration is presented. 

Units of Measure 
    Formulae often relate numbers with units of measure. The usual 
procedure is to do the maths on just the numbers and affix the 
expected final units to the answer. One strong reason for this 
procedure is that few calculkttes have yumbolic operations. They work 
only on numbers. 
    Ignoring the units in a formula, by any excuse, is dangerous! 
    It is poorly appreciated that maths apply to the units along with 
the numerical value. To keep the units and number together as they 
procede thru the formula, encase both in parens. 
    Maths operating on units yield a symbolic representation of the 
opeation. A couple simplified notationsa re widely used. Within the 
units a multiply is a dot . and the ^ for power/root is omitted. 
Divides are routinely shown only by the /. 

    c = (a N/kg) * (b m) 
     = (a * b) N.m/kg 

    e = (m kg) * (c m/s) ^ 2 
      = (m * c ^ 2) kg.m2/s2 (which equals (m * c ^ 2) J) 

    In complex formulae some symbols look like units and can cause 
major errors if mixed up. One trick is to use bumpers [ ] to encase 
    Doing the maths on just the units helps rap potential mistakes. 
TIf the units don't come out right, you did something wrong. The 
converse isn't always true because you still could make a maths 
mistake with the numbers. 
    This situation comes often in converting among units. The general 
conversion instruction is 'to get unit A multuply unit B by number C' 
or '... divide by number C'. You will forget which to do for a given 
    To convert 150 inch to meter so we multiply ?, or divide?, by  by 
39.39? Try multiply 

   A meter = (B inch) * 39.37 
           = (150 inch) * 39.37 
           = 5,905.5 meter 

It is glaringly wrong! 150 inch is about the length of a msall car 
while 5,905.5 meter is the width of a town. The two are NOT equal. 
 The right way to instruct the conversion is 'to change inch to meter, 
divide by 39.37 inch/meter'. The correct formula is 

    A meter = (B inch) / (39.37 inch/meter) 
            = (150 inch) / (39.37 inch/meter) 
            = 3.81 inch.meter/inch 
            = 3.81 meter. 

    Doing the maths on BOTH the number and the units self-checks the 
operation. The weong answer would be 5,905.5 inch2/meter, immediately 
a nonsense  result. 

Systems of Units 
    We use  in astronomy and other sciences two major systems of 
units. The current formal one is the International System, SI (from 
the french phrase), whose base units include the meter, kilogram, 
second. The other is the older, still widely used, CGS, standing for 
its base units of centimeter, gram, second. 
    In these two schemes, units of the same kind are ten-folds of each 
other, They usually can be translated at sight. Hopping between 
systems is vital for formulae composed to accept units in a one while 
you have numbers with units in the other. 
   Some sciences work with non-standard units, which may or not derive 
from the metric system. Astronomy has several such units, like the 
angstrom, parsec, jansky, solar mass. 
    In both SI and CGS many combinations of unit are given an honorary 
name like newton for kg.m/s2. According as the situation to hand, you 
may swo out the honorary name for its component units and vice versa. 
    There seems to be  no formal procedure to choose combinations for 
an honorary name. SI and CGS have their own sets of honorary names. 

Multiples and Prefixes 
    The metric system makes heavy use of prefixes for multiples, and 
submultiples, of the their units. We may say 'ten kilometers' or 
'10,000 meters' because 'kilo-' means '1.l000'. 
    As convenience calls a prefix amy swop for a multiple, and vice 
versa. This comes in handy if numbers span a wide range of a unit and 
it's simpler to do maths on one form of the unit. 
    The prefix enters the maths with the unit. Do not apply the maths 
to each separately. 
    When shifting from multiple to prefix, mind well the movement of 
the decimal point in the number. It may slide beyond the written chars 
of the number. The missing places for the shift are filled with zeros. 

    17.2 litter = 17,200 cm3 (1 liter is 1,000 cm3; two zeros fill 
                              the missing places) 

    86 g = 0.086 kg (the missing place is filled with one zero) 

    It can be handy to piggyback predixes, altho this is not a feature 
in the metric system. You may come onto 'millimicrogram' during a 
calculation. You may at the end of the work collapse the piggybackers 
into a single prefix, here 'nanogram'. 

 --------some of the maths features i discuss here are brief, with 
bypassed procedures and details. It really pays to get a maths review 
book for 10th and 11th grade mathematics. This covers plane geometry, 
algebra, trigonometry, statistics, logarithms,coordinate analysis . 
High school maths generally do not include solid geometry or calculus, 
altho enhanced course may do so. 
    Many review books have samples from state or city qualifying 
tests. work thru the examples. From the web online tuitions or actual 
school courses walk you thru the maths. Search for for 'plane 
geometry' and visit sites run by schools. Try those in remedial 
college courses